Measuring the frequency of an alternating current using stationary waves pdf

An important electrical quantity with no equivalent in dc circuits is frequency. Alternating current circuits electromagnetic waves the output of an ac generator has a sinusoidal form, it has an instantaneous voltage value as well as a maximum alternating voltage value. Measuring rms values of voltage and current voltage current measurements effective value. Alternating current alternating current ac reverses in direction at a rate of 50 or 60 cycles per second. Application the measuring transducers diwmu serve to convert a sinusoidal alternating current into a loadindependent directcurrent or directvoltage signal. Why doesnt alternating current produce light while a vibrating single particle with a charge will. This doesnt mean, however, that the voltages measured with an ac voltmeter. Theory let the alternating current have frequency v so that the frequency of magnetisation of the electromagnet v e. Alternating current is the form in which electric power is delivered to businesses and residences, and it is the form of electrical energy that consumers typically use when they plug kitchen appliances, televisions, fans and electric. Chapter 5 alternating current unit 16 alternating current195 introduction195 16. Conversely, the field produced using alternating current is concentrated in a thin layer at the surface of the component.

Pdf a simple experiment demonstrating the excitement of a standing wave in a. The sine voltage is characterized by its frequency f and angular frequency 2. The amplitude of the standing wave exhibits the alternating inter. Many are instruments of the deflection type, ordinarily used for measuring low. On the wooden rectangular box there are two bridges and a. Sonometer frequency of alternating current youtube. Frequency generator, table rod, elastic string, table clamp with pulley, set of. If the waveform on your screen is not stationary, adjust the level knob in the. And, most importantly from the standpoint of electronics, the alternating current voltage that is provided in the public power grid is in the form of a sine wave. Rather than looking at how a circuit acts with complex periodic waves, which are made up of many of pure sine waves, it is much easier to use single sine waves. In physics and engineering disciplines, such as optics, acoustics, and radio, frequency is usually denoted by a latin letter f or by the greek letter or. In the united states, 60 cycle current is the commercial norm but 50 cycle current is common in many countries.

Using windowed esprit spectral estimation for measuring power. Frequency meter, device for measuring the repetitions per unit of time customarily, a second of a complete electromagnetic waveform. It is also referred to as temporal frequency, which emphasizes the contrast to spatial frequency and angular frequency. As a matter of convenience, longer and slower waves, such as ocean surface waves, tend to be designated by wave period rather than frequency. Ch 33 3, 10, 17, 18, 31, 34, 39, 42, 56, 59, 61, 77, 80, 84, 85, 87. Sonometer frequency of alternating current dhruv pradipkumar. Most students of electromagnetism begin their study with what is known as direct current dc. A typical multimeter may include features such as the ability to measure. Multimeter is an electronic measuring instrument that combines several measurement functions in one unit. With direct current, its easy to determine the voltage thats present between two points in an electronic circuit.

The modern unit for frequency is the hertz abbreviated hz, which represents the number of wave cycles completed during one second of time. Experiment aim to determine the frequency of alternating current using a sonometer and an electromagnet. In physics, a standing wave, also known as a stationary wave, is a wave which oscillates in time. Chapter 33 electromagnetic oscillations and alternating current.

Alternating current ac is an electric current which periodically reverses direction, in contrast to direct current dc which flows only in one direction. A more popular measure for describing the alternating rate of an ac voltage or current wave than period is the rate of that backandforth oscillation. Standing waves are waves of voltage and current which do not propagate i. The values for voltage and time on an oscilloscope can be read from the number of divisions on the screen multiplied by the scale shown on one of two dials on the control panel at the side of the screen. Amplitude of alternating current, alternating current. Many are instruments of the deflection type, ordinarily used for measuring low frequencies but capable of being used. With ac, the current oscillates at a certain frequency in time and can be defined as. When excited by this alternating current, the antenna radiates radio waves. Alternating current circuits and electromagnetic waves 255 3. Then the resonance takes place and the wire vibrates with maximum amplitude. Once t has been measured, the frequency f can then be found. Alternating current and means that the emf meter is sensitive to changing magnetic.

It is in the form of a hollow wooden rectangular box. Notes on alternating current class 12 page 01 alternating current a. Phasors, phase shift and phasor algebra basic alternating. Figure 1 shows the plot of alternating voltage and alternating current as a function of time in a circuit that has only a resistor and a source of alternating current an ac generator. Oct 05, 20 693 21 chapter alternating current circuits and electromagnetic waves o u t l i n e 21. Standing waves can be produced when two waves of the same frequency and amplitude. In the example above, measuring from the first crest to the second horizontally, the distance is 3. C is the current that changes in magnitude direction continuously with respect to time.

Amplitude is sometimes called as magnitude, level, or intensity. In a dc system, the current the flow of charged particles is in a constant direction. In a dc system, the voltage across each part has a constant polarity. Make the length and diameter measurements of the string. Something every beginning trigonometry student learns or should learn is how sine and cosine waves may be derived from a circle. A function generator is an instrument that can produce sine, square, and triangular waves at a given frequency. Frequency and period are specifically different, yet related quantities. Frequency signals are usually sine waves, but can also be pulses or square waves. Frequency and phase measurement ac metering circuits. Placing various components in a circuit powered by an ac source can affect the sine waves for the current and. An101 dataforth corporation page 3 of 6 measurement device for a sawtooth function needed. The waveform of an alternating current power circuit is a sine wave. Standing waves and resonance standing waves form during resonance but resonance does not always lead to the formation of standing waves a wave moving in a medium of finite length, can interfere with its own reflection to produce a standing wave if it has the same frequency as one of the natural frequencies of the medium. To find the frequency of the ac mains with a sonometer.

The period t is inversely proportional to frequency f. For cyclical processes, such as rotation, oscillations, or waves, frequency is defined as a number of cycles per unit time. For a constant angular frequency to, the current is proportional to the applied voltage v. A protective device like a paper gap, a neon glow tube, or a zener diode with a suitable. Thats because the voltage in an alternating current circuit is constantly changing. Fang, 2007 we use a fixed frequency of the mains voltage and a magnet to. Depending on the quantity being measured, the magnitude of an alternating current wave might be given in amperes, volts, or watts. As the temperature increases, the amount of emitted radiation increases and the peaks. Frequency measurement by lissajous method basic circuit. You should be enrolled in a physics lab section along with your lecture. Note that for a full wave rectified function the measurement device needed to achieve. Function the alternating current to be measured will get via a opening in the housing where you can put through the. Alternating current circuits and electromagnetic waves ucsd. A sonometer is an apparatus used to study the transverse vibrations of stretched strings.

It can be represented as, the currents and voltages in a. Edexcel national certificatediploma unit 5 electrical and electronic principles nqf level 3 outcome 4 alternating current 4 understand singlephase alternating current ac theory single phase ac circuit theory. Describe the standing waves on a string with fixed boundaries and state the possible. In this lab, we will be measuring the frequency of a signal using three different methods. Theory let the alternating current have frequency v so that the frequency of magnetisation of the electromagnet v e becomes sinometer. This frequency measurement by lissajous method techniques used are simple and dependable, and measurement may be made at any frequency in the response range of the oscilloscope. Using windowed esprit spectral estimation for measuring. A node is a point on a standing wave of minimum amplitude. Electromagnetic geotomography selection of measuring. Chapter 33 electromagnetic oscillations and alternating. The oscilloscope is a sensitive indicator for frequency and phase measurements. Apparatus a sonometer with soft iron wire, a set of eight tuning forks.

Tenma scopes you must select either gnd, ac alternating or dc direct current. The number of times an alternating current repeats a full cycle per second is the frequency and the maximum the current reaches in either direction is its amplitude. On the wooden rectangular box there are two bridges and a pulley at one end. Emf meters a practical guide to using an emf meter. To determine the frequency of alternating current using a sonometer. As we learned in our discussion of standing waves, the distance. Application the measuring transducers diwmu serve to convert a sinusoidal alternating current into a loadindependent direct current or directvoltage signal.

Figure 1 current and voltage from an ac source through a simple resistor. Electromagnetic geotomography selection of measuring frequency article pdf available in ieee sensors journal 52. When the two waves are not of the same fundamental frequency, very complicated figures are produced. Precautions same as in experiment main line carrying a. Electromagnetic geotomography selection of measuring frequency. A parallel lecherwire system was set up and coupled to a source of oscillations of the desired frequency. The phase can be thought of as a shift in time and for convenience, it is set to 0.

Previously, you learned that an alternating current a. The sine voltage is characterized by its frequency f and angular frequency. I when a circuit has an ac generator and a resistor, the current is given by. Alternating current circuits and electromagnetic waves. We have already discussed cathode ray oscilloscope or cro. Digital frequency meters are used to directly measure frequencies to a high degree of accuracy. Frequency is the number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit of time. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Mar 05, 2015 sonometer frequency of alternating current dhruv pradipkumar. Period refers to the time it takes something to happen. The electrons flow in one direction before changing to flow in the opposite way. The result obtained will be, the voltage level also reverses along with the current. Why doesnt alternating current produce light while a.

With alternating current, however, measuring the voltage isnt so simple. The signal amplitude is expressed in volts, and must be compatible with the. Frequency measurement is very important in many applications of alternating current, especially in ac power systems designed to run efficiently at one frequency and one frequency only. Fhsst physicsmagnets and electromagnetismalternating current. For example, sine waves can be found in sound waves, light waves, ocean waves even the bouncing of a slinky is a sine wave.

Basically, ac is used to deliver power to industries, houses, office buildings, etc. Since waveforms are not limited to alternating current electrical circuits, phasors have applications reaching far beyond the scope of this chapter. Chapter 5 alternating current mike holt enterprises. Graphs of specific intensity against wavelength and frequency. To explain the concept of alternating current, we begin by discussing the. Placing various components in a circuit powered by an ac source can affect the sine waves for the current and the voltage across the circuit that triggers the current flow, as demonstrated in this tutorial. The first method involves the use of the function generator. To find the frequency of the alternating current with the help of a sonometer. Difference between alternating current ac and direct. Measure the diameter of the wire in mutually perpendicular direction at various points using. Before starting with the measurements, it could be discussed with the. The period is the duration of time of one cycle in a repeating event, so the period is the reciprocal of the frequency.

In one dimension, two waves with the same wavelength and amplitude, traveling in. Edexcel national certificatediploma unit 5 electrical and electronic principles nqf level 3 outcome 4 alternating current 4 understand singlephase alternating current ac theory. Frequency also refers to how often something take place. You are right, the transmission of ac does in fact produce em waves around it. Most important, and the only we will treat here, is the sine voltage, resulting in sine current and thus referred to as ac from alternating current. Here, one can determine the current at any given time, t, provided that the peak current i p, angular oscillation frequency. Emf meters a practical guide to using an emf meter written by eric haney, mfps. What do you mean by frequency of alternating current. It is a very important oscilloscope used to analyse the waveform and measure them. To connect physics processes to your everyday experience. Physics 176 university physics lab ii experiment 4 alternating current measurement equipment. Now here we will discuss how the measurement of waveform i. Most waveforms found in electronic circuits have a much higher frequency than household alternating current, typically in the range of several thousand hertz kilohertz, or khz or millions of hertz. Theory of determination of ultraradio frequencies by standing.

So if someone asks you how frequently do you have coffee. I see not only in tv reality shows the incorrect use of an emf meter but in real life too. The current and the voltage across the resistor are shown in active figure 21. These waves are indeed sinusoidal, but we do not bother about the power losses until we start sending radio signals via these wires because, until the frequency is much higher than radio waves, the energy lost is extremely small and hence negligible. In this series of experiments, the resonance conditions for standing waves on a. However, if one is an exact multiple of the other, the figure will be stationary, for every cycle of the lower frequency will be alike. Alternating current is the form in which electric power is delivered to businesses and residences, and it is the form of electrical energy that consumers typically use when they plug kitchen appliances, televisions, fans and electric lamps. The measurement of amplitude and frequency with an oscilloscope is illustrated below. Ch 33 3, 10, 17, 18, 31, 34, 39, 42, 56, 59, 61, 77, 80, 84, 85, 87 lecture outline 1. The failure of the line to transfer power at the standing wave frequency will usually. Grob basic electronics chapter 16 alternating voltage and current 2 topics covered in chapter 16 alternating current applications alternatingvoltage generator the sine wave alternating current voltage and current values for a sine wave frequency period and wavelength phase angle the time factor in frequency and phase a c circuits with resistance.

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